Bangladesh Transverse Mercator (BTM), Projections

A projected coordinate system has a flat, 2D surface with constant lengths, angles, and areas across the two dimensions. Which makes it easier to calculate properties like the area, and distance of an object in a map. UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) is a widely used projected coordinate system that divides the Earth into sixty zones, each in a six-degree interval. As Bangladesh lies between UTM Zone 45N and 46N, FAP19 has adopted a Transverse Mercator projection for Bangladesh. PaThe parametersf this projection are: SL. No NAME BANGLADESH TRANSVERSE MERCATOR (BTM) 1 Projection Transverse Mercator 2 False Easting 500000 3 False Northing -2000000 4 Central Meridian 90 5 Scale Factor 0.9996 6 Latitude Of Origin 0 7 Linear Unit ...