
Showing posts with the label Population

Definition of Demography

There are various definitions for Demography from various perspective and point of view. It is part of Human Geography and can be defined as:- According to the Oxford Dictionary Demography is  the study of statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human populations. According to the Webster Dictionary Demography is the statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size and density , distribution, and vital statistics. Again Cambridge Dictionary has defined demography the study of changes in the number of births, marriages, deaths, etc. in a particular area during a period of time. So, Demography  is the study of the size, composition and distribution of human population across space and the process through which  populations change. ** ‘ Big three’ phenomenon of demography  are : Births Death...

Topic in Population Geography

Basic Topics Covered in Population Geography are as follows:- Demographic phenomena (natality, mortality, growth rates, etc.) through both space and time Increases or decreases in population numbers The movements and mobility of populations Occupational structure The way in which places in turn react to population phenomena, e.g. immigration The grouping of people within settlements The way from the geographical of places, e.g. settlement pattern.  All of the above are looked at over space and time. Population geography also studies human-environment interactions, including problems from those relationships, such as  overpopulation , pollution, and others. A few types of maps that show the spatial layout of population are choropleth, isoline, and dot maps. Source:  Population Geography

Definition of population Geography

Population geography is a division of human geography that is particularly focused on the scientific study of humans, their activities and intra-relation between human activities and the environment. Before learning about population geography it is essential to know what does population means.  According to Merriam Webster dictionary,  population can be defined as a group of people living in a geographical area at a particular time . Whereas Geography can be simply defined as:- "T he study of places and the relationships between people and their environments". So, by summing up these two individual term "   Population" and "Geography" we can define population geography as the study of spatial variations in the distribution, composition, migration, and growth of populations to the terrain or to a particular geographical Area. Population geography involves demography in a spatial context and regulated by the demographic processes of fertility, Mortality a...

Demographic characteristics of South-East Asia

Year back from now i was assigned  to read about South-east Asia and Its demographic characteristics by my course teacher. I tried to gather information through various search engines Of all the changes that swept Southeast Asia over the three decades since the formation of ASEAN, the transformation of population processes and trends have been among the most striking. Southeast Asia in 2002 had 8.6 % of the world’s population with 536 million people compared with 7.2% in 1950 (population Reference Bureau, 2002). The post-war period has seen the population of Southeast Asia increase almost three times. The period following the formation of ASEAN has seen the population of the region double from 253 million. The regions population growth rate peaked at 2.52 % annum in the late 1960s up from 1.92 % in the early 1950s and subsequently falling to 1.4 % in 2002 (UNESCAP). However, the changes in the size and growth of the population are only part of the story, and there have been...

Population Dependency Ratio of Bangladesh

The dependency ratio is the proportion of the economically dependent part of the population to the productive part. The dependency ratio tells us how many young people (under 16) and older people (over 64) depend on people of working age (16 to 64). The dependency ratio is worked out with this formula Bangladesh has 33.60% of its population less than 15, and 4.80% over 65. This makes 61.6% (100 - (33.60+4.80)) between the ages of 15 and 64. It is really alarming and unfortunate that more than half of the people of Bangladesh are dependent to the economically active people. There is a hope and hope is that the large numbers who were born in the 1960s to the 1980s are now becoming economically active and as a result, the dependency ratio is falling.

Population Growth rate of Bangladesh

The average annual percent change in the population, resulting from a surplus (or deficit) of births over deaths and the balance of migrants entering and leaving a country. The rate may be positive or negative. Population growth rate of Bangladesh is 1.37 % (Source: BBS, population census, 2011). In comparison with other countries around the region, this growth rate level places Bangladesh at an intermediate position between the group of low rate countries (Thailand, SriLanka, Myanmar) and the group of medium rate countries (India, Malaysia) Population Growth Rate of Bangladesh since 1960                                                                                 Data Source: World Bank  Bangladesh had high rates of population growth in the 1960s and 1970s. Since then how...